How Many No Cost Subscribers Do You Need Anyway?

>> Saturday, August 27, 2005

I want to Show You How To Make An Email Downline Builder That Is Better Than the Rest.

If you act fast you can get in at the top of a no cost email subscriber downline. Would you like to have hundreds or more people you can email to weekly? Heard it all before? Take a
look at what makes this no cost downline builder different!

Downline Builder - Fast Ways to Build Your Downline

Simple. You just have to add more features and make it as easy
as possible to increase your downline network with less work.

There is a brand new email mailer different from all the others.
It is not enough these days to just send email. What you need
is a more guaranteed way to get your message exposed to your
contacts and, more importantly, make sure they read them!

This site will be one of, if not THE first multi level rss feeds
publisher allowing your message to be seen across thousands of
web sites and content readers around the world.

It gets even better. Since the downline is a forced matrix
(but not mlm, it is no cost) it means you could have an
even bigger subscriber list based on the efforts of your

The company is running a huge paid advertising campaign and
you are sure to get some extra subscribers just by joining
early. Act quick and reserve your place in my downline before
the official launch begins.

You are one of the first to know about this!

Find out more - Viral Matrix


Creating Success

>> Friday, August 26, 2005

All of us want to know the secret formula to succeed. Here's a great article that touches upon two of these success secrets.


Learning Different Ways to Search for Content

>> Wednesday, August 24, 2005

We all look for great content for our websites, but it's a known fact that many of us never really find what we really were searching for.

Here are a few quick tips to help you find that millonaire idea for your content:

1. Search Google News
2. Search Google Groups
3. Do this search (keeping in the punctuation as written):
+photography +free +filetype:pdf

As of this writing, Google shows 748,000 hits for this query. What you get here are free downloads in pdf format about your subject.

Now you can't simply copy and use it as your own information. You have to create your writing in your own words. But there's no law that says you can't summarize what you find in other people's works. To make the point, you could even call your work something like: "Survey Report: Latest from the Photography Front!"

How much easier do you find your content and millionaire ideas? For more info, read the full article.


Driving Traffic To Your Website

>> Sunday, August 21, 2005

Well as I was gone, my blog held up pretty well thanks to some of the traffic skills I've been working on over the past few months.

Bottomline is, you want traffic, but you need targeted traffic, so here are some tips on how you can generate exactly the traffic you need and bring the visitors you want visiting your site to you instead of chasing after them.

1. Create Content
2. Talk about your experiences with your subject matter.
3. Build or network in forums.
4. Start a blog
5. Create your own content with writing articles.

If you'd like to find out more visit the full article on 5 simple ways to advertise online.


Having fun with Blogshares

>> Saturday, August 20, 2005

A great way to have a lot of fun and gain a bit of traffic in the process is setting yourself up with an account from Blogshares. I've got 2 blogs myself and while they are still under rated, I find that partially true because of the lack of knowledge I have with trading my shares. It's a great tool to play around with if you are interested..

Go to Blogshares


Organizing Your Life To Success

>> Sunday, August 07, 2005

Are you constantly stressed because you can't get organized at home, no matter how hard you try? Do you ever feel as if you are drowning in a sea of stuff? Are you frustrated because you are always running behind?

If so, here are a few steps towards a better organized you whether it's just in your house or for your home based business. The outcome should help you to become more of a success overall in your life.

Start with a plan. Don't try to do everything at once, or you'll get overwhelmed and give up before you even start. Junk accumulates in 4 areas: space, time, priorities, and paper/information.

Ask yourself

1. Why do I need this in my life?
2. Why do I want this in my life?
3. Why is this essential in my life?

As you use the 3 questions above, take baby steps in what will be a life-long progress that will help you be more successful and have less stress and more balance in your life.

For your online business information, organize your desktop and your email with well labeled folders, and make sure you only save information that is absolutely necessary: otherwise, you'll soon be overwhelmed. Make sure you use your excel worksheets for every aspect of your business.

Read more about how to organize your life to success


Achieving Extraordinary Success

>> Friday, August 05, 2005

I've actually paired up this book with Mentored by a Millionaire because they combined make a perfect companion.

The Millionaire’s Notebook, written by Steve Scott, chronicals How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Success through his trials of life in great detail. What The Millionaire’s Notebook does is gives you a sense that “I’m Surely Not As Bad As That”. This is done by detailing Steve Scotts many failures while showing that anyone can turn their life around and create success.

Check out the full review - Achieving Extraordinary Success.


Mentored by a Millionaire

I just finished reviewing a great book Mentored by a Millionaire. Part of me was so excited to do this but I think it's also because vacation time is upon me.

Mentored by a Millionaire is authored from the bestselling author of A Millionaire's Notebook shows how to get what you want–faster than you ever thought possible.

I don't want to spoil the book, but I'll just give you a bit in what you will learn about the book in my review. Mentored by a Millionaire : Master Strategies of Super Achiever.

You’ll learn how to use fundamental tools such as vision mapping, effective partnering, using criticism to your advantage, creativity, and persistence. As every great mentor knows, nothing is beyond possibility and no dream is too big to be achieved.

Mentored by a Millionaire offers the proven advice that can only come from those who are where you want to be. Check out the full review at Mentored by a Millionaire.


Blogging Your Way to Success

>> Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The “blogosphere” is continuing to grow at an amazing pace. In fact, the number of published blogs is expected to double about every five months.

Right now, there is a new blog published every second, according to Technorati, the search engine that keeps track of Weblogs. In March there were over 7 million blogs, that number is now over 14 million.

Find out more about why weblogs are so popular and why you should start one for yourself.