How to Get Started Investing

>> Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Some of my favorite books are "how to" Real Estate Stategies because I do like to see the different ideas out there for investing and making money. I mean everyone is interested in learning how to take that million dollar idea and turn it into their own reality....

Many of the books you read these days are investment stories of people making millions in real estate, even if you are just starting out. In fact, real estate is a great investment vehicle because real estate offers more security than the stock market, provides great potential returns, and offers tax benefits.

One of the challenges that many potential investors are faced with is putting up the money to acquire a piece of property. Although in reality this is usually not the biggest obstacle. You might say "Hey, what do you mean, not an obstacle. I would love to invest in real estate, but I just can't afford to!"

The point is that hardly anyone who buys a piece of real estate has enough money in their account to pay for it. That's where your banker comes in.

Let's face it.

Do you know anyone that owns their own home?

I mean truly own it? Probably not.

Sure, you know a lot of people that have a house to their name, but wait until they get behind on their monthly mortgage payments and you will soon find out who really owns their house. That's right, the bank.

So if these people can use the bank's money to buy a house, why can't you?

Now 'owning' your own home may sound like a somewhat obvious way to get started in real estate, but it is also a very good way to do so.

You might say "Duh..." But apparently this little step is overlooked by a lot of people.

Just take a look at how many people are still renting a property instead of buying one. Now of course the relation between rent- and housing prices varies from country to country and even from area to area. But wherever you go you will find that it's fairly easy to find people renting, because in their mind "they don't have enough money to buy a house", when in reality they would be cheaper off 'owning' their own place.

When you rent, you are pretty much flushing your money down the toilet. Of course you are getting the pleasure of living, but the point is you're not building anything long term. Every dollar you spend on rent is a dollar you will never see again.

If you own your own home, instead of paying rent you would be paying for your mortgage. Even though there is a lot of variety in mortgages these days, the basics of practically all mortgages are more or less the same.

Every month you make a payment which consists of two parts: interest and principle. The interest part can be compared to rent. Those dollars are gone with the wind and you will never hear from them again. However, the part of the payment that goes to the principle is money you keep. Every dollar that is used to pay off the principal is a dollar you put in your own pocket.

So if you're thinking about getting started in real estate and you don't 'own' your own house yet... Change it, and get some experience.

It's a great first step towards building your capital and in many cases, it just makes more sense financially. It can also supply a range of opportunities for accelerating the process of building your net worth.

When real estate prices go up, so does the value of your property and your net worth. Whereas the money you owe the bank, your mortgage, remains the same.

Compare this to people that are paying rent...

Their net worth does nothing. However their landlord's net worth is doing very nicely in this scenario and he or she will probably love you for it. So if you get a warm fuzzy feeling about making somebody else rich at your own expense... Keep renting. If you would rather build your own capital instead... Buy your own house!

Now before you go out and buy the first property you lay eyes on, know real estate prices do not always go up, and certainly not in a straight line. Yep, this can be shocker to some people, as well as an ugly reminder for those who overlooked this minor detail in the past.

If for some reason you would have to sell your home in a down market, it can be a costly adventure. You wouldn't be the first to end up with a house worth considerably less than the mortgage resting on it. So make sure to keep some slack.

In the long run real estate prices have always been on the rise, but in any cycle there are down periods. By keeping some slack and being patient you will be able to sit through these times and profit from the long term up-trend....

Now that I got you thinking, check out one great way to get started in Real Estate Stategies

Here's to working towards your first million dollar investment...

Jennifer Schilling


Relationships Create Success

>> Monday, May 30, 2005

The strongest relationships are formed by giving first.

So how can you give? By creating relationships with others on the Internet.

Do a mental inventory and come up with something you know or have that would help others more than yourself. Find a way to offer it with no strings attached, no signup or email address required, just give it freely. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me it works.

You can easily accomplish creating relationships through posting on forums and helping others who haven't learned what you already know...

Alright, now it is all up to you. Continue contributing to the degradation of Internet bandwidth with the huge numbers of attempts required (many not even reaching their target) to get a single response, or try something that builds future relationships with new friends that are truly interested in what you are doing and not just trying to sell you something.

Make your posts fill a need but enough to have others coming back for more...

Here's to creating your success


Following Your Dreams to Financial Freedom

>> Thursday, May 26, 2005

Multi-level Marketing has been praised for allowing financial freedom...

But it also has been criticized for being a big scam......

As with any business venture, you do have to do your homework first. If anyone tries to tell you that an opportunity is easy money, you had better run because it just doesn't exist. With any new endeavor, you will need to make an initial investment. It takes money to make money.

Below outlines the two schools of thought. You be the judge.

Some of the comments in favor of MLM include:

“Donald Trump was asked on the Tonight Show, if he had to start all over from scratch what he would do - His answer...MLM".

And yet another satisfied participant,

“It is a wonderful combination of being your own boss and being mentored. It has a support system built right in and usually pretty neat products! I was involved with [company] for a while and the people were fabulous, products were great and the system of support was wonderful to have. I hear the same is true for many network marketing direct sales companies! I think MLM companies are great!”

Conversely, those who didn’t speak as highly include:

“You only make money when you have lots of people under you. You spend a lot to stay in each month. I was required to spend more than I needed or could afford each month, so I had to quit. Seems to me the ones who do well are ones who can afford to really spend and have contacts already who have money they can spend as well. Then they in turn have contacts of their own that are the same. A lot of MLMs out there say you can make $X each month, but honestly there are few and far between who are really doing it. They hook those who want to work at home and need the money-only to lose them after they’re more broke than they started.”

Continued another disgruntled former MLMer,
“Unfortunately too many try to convince you that it is so easy. If it were so easy, everyone would be doing it. I have been in several different MLM companies and have experienced constant changes in the compensation plan. As we all know, the compensation plan is what gets our attention.”

So there you have it, both sides of the coin. All would concur that Multi-Level Marketing is not for everyone. But that’s why there are so many different flavors of ice cream.

There truly is something for everyone. All in all, the bottom line is there needs to be passion and drive to make your business work, regardless if it is MLM or more traditional sole proprietorship or corporation. If money is your only motivator it will likely fail. You need to believe in your product or service or you can simply plan on failing.

Do your due diligence when researching various opportunities.

Resource Box
Jennifer Schilling publishes a Internet Business Tips newsletter.
Come get your free subscription at


Info Go Round

>> Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Bryan Winters has launched this past monday his most recent site "Info Go Round". Bryan, owner of "Push Button Publishing", "Push Button Health" and "Million Dollar Traffic" aims to help you create content-rich webpages and gain exposure and traffic with his new site.

Bryan already runs a private-label content system in the health niche at a previous site and the success of other authors such as Larry Dotson with his "Viral Articles" shows how the system can work. Basically, articles and content are provided totally copyright free.

This definitely is a very powerful strategy. It means you can credit them to yourself, build webpages around them, submit them (with your links) into article directories, create e-books out of them, create powerful viral-pages out of them... and whatever else you can imagine.

Bryan promises thousands of dollars worth of content across a variety of subjects each month for your membership. And a unique credit system means you get PAID for your own submissions, and as the membership grows it will create an ever increasing avalanche of content from Bryans own provided content and from others. And allways copyright-free!

Join today to lock in the launch price forever. If you build webpages or need content or even if you're a writer and can provide content, this is the site for you. I've had a chance to check it all out, great stuff...


9 Entrepreneurs Reveal Their Secrets...Free

If you want to line your pockets with increased profits and tap into the mindset of millionaires for free, then what I am about to tell you will transform your life.

Do you want to know the best way to supercharge your life and income?

Do you want a shortcut to success?

Then you need to surround yourself with successful people and use their secrets to create a permanent change in your life.

Are you ready to create a lasting and permanent change?

Then you need to be at the Success Mania 2005 seminar in Atlanta, Georgia.


Imagine spending a weekend with 9 incredible entrepreneurs, including:

Harv Eker - New York Times Best-selling Author

Mike Litman - Top Success Coach And Best-Selling Author

John Di Lemme - Top Motivational Speaker And Trainer

Success Mania

I don't want to ruin the surprise for you, but when you run over to the link below, you'll have to catch your breath after you hear the names of the other 6 speakers.

"What's the cost?"


Yes, you read that right.

There are less than 207 tickets left and this will be the most extraordinary event of 2005.

Make your plans and grab your ticket before the event sells out.

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This weekend will trigger a gargantuan change in your life.


P.S. You're going to "crack the code" to wealth and success at Success Mania 2005.

Jump here and reserve your spot. Click Here


Business Ideas that YOU love Doing

>> Monday, May 23, 2005

Whether you are opening up a new website or just starting out with your first endeavor, here are a few Online Business Ideas to consider:

• Promote affiliate programs on Google Adwords.
• Create a website about your favorite topic, and
promote affiliate programs and Google Adsense on your new website.
• Do Medical Transcription.
• Sell your products or valuables on eBay.
• Write a blog.
• Publish your own ebook.
• Develop your own product
• Make Money with Freelance Writing Jobs
• Start your own service-based business
• Start & moderate a discussion forum or membership site.

I think one of the easiest ways to get started with your own website and business idea is to follow the rule of enjoying or “loving” the topic you are writing about. If you do what you love, the rest will follow…

Here’s to doing what you love most….

Jen -


Is Technology Giving You More Freedom From Your Job?

>> Sunday, May 22, 2005

Do we really have more freedom with the advancement in this age of technology???

When cellphones became available it seemed that they would fill a need for instant communication - any time, any place - that would help people be more efficient and thus save time.

Then email became a mainstream method of business communication. Marvelous - now telephones wouldn't ring off the hook, messages would not have to be stored and retrieved as verbal communications, which took time. Instead, information would be clear and concise and could be retrieved and answered any time, any where - again promising of more freedom.

With email, internet and cellphones, was it really necessary for workers to be restrained to the office? Maybe shorter work days would ensue. Perhaps parents could collect their children from school and be contacted at home via either of these methods.

The work world was changing, or so we thought.....

This truth came about as more workers were able to take their jobs with them. The travel from home to work and back again was no longer a barrier for actually DOING the work.

Telecommunication was making itself an integral part of conducting business. With cellphones and email, distance, time and travel were no longer barriers to conducting business effectively.

For some, this meant that coming to the office every day was an option - not a requirement.

Mothers and fathers found new freedom to take care of their children while still collecting the paycheck they needed to support them. Work could be done at home, at the park, at the grocery store, at night...

Unfortunately, this ability to work anywhere has become a nuisance instead of a luxury for some individuals. The fact that they are ABLE to do business any time, any where, means that they actually ARE doing business all the time.

Rather than making life easier as we once thought, you have found you can never get far enough away from work. Illness and emergencies do not stop the phone from ringing or the email from piling up - and because you can access it, there is no excuse for not dealing with it.

So for some, the convenience has become a ball and chain - creating longer work hours and constant stress. For these individuals it is necessary to commit themselves and their work mates to guidelines such as turning the phone off. Not accessing email regularly. Sticking to these rules and telling other work mates your new practices should help.

My most liked method is that of European countries where they make a necessity of it to enjoy their vacations and to enjoy the time off from work. Maybe more North American's should look at work this way. Relax and enjoy your time off, make it a habit to make vacation a time of rest and enjoyment, probably even living longer as a result.

Technology was supposed to ASSIST making your life easier with these devices. It is in the best interest of your health and the well-being of your family if these tools keep their proper place and make sure you enjoy your time away from the office where ever that might be...


Success is Your Perception

>> Friday, May 20, 2005

Your mindset and beliefs are something that are part of your belief system throughout your entire life, whether you are aware of it or not. The drive for your success and the way you think start when you are young is how you are perceived by others.

These thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself (mostly established from your youth), have a direct impact on your ability to perform and be successful. It certainly isn’t necessary that you believe yourself to be superior, but when you meet your peers and your prospects you think of them as equals. This belief system you carry from your younger years is what drives your perception and determines your success when you finally get out there in the working world.

Remember they are people too, just with a different title and a different perception and belief system..

Your thought patterns and your beliefs towards others are what drive your success. Be sure to think of everyone you come into contact with as equal to you. Think about all of the ways your prospects and customers need you just as you need them to be successful. Be able establish a "how to help them" mindset along with the benefits you can bring them...

Once you start to see yourself as an equal, you will see how you are perceived as someone with something of value to offer. Once you determine that your prospects will be happy to speak and work with you, your perception becomes reality. People like having someone to model themselves after, so go out there and let them perceive "you" as that leader to teach them success in business.

To Your success


A Call to Action

>> Thursday, May 19, 2005

Secret Formulas to Improve Online Results - Improve Conversion Rates By Persuading Prospects.

Whether your business is internet marketing or network marketing, you want to ensure your customers take action on your website.

These actions include:

• Completing purchases - increasing your clickthrough rates and increasing your sales.
• Building your optin list - qualifying prospects that lead to sales.
• Becoming known as an expert - enhancing your brand awarness and increasing value.

With the rise and continued growth of the internet and its undeniable power as the marketing vehicle of the future, now is the time to sit down and think seriously about the current state of your website and its effectiveness.

Has your website evolved to fill the current needs of consumers?

Are you looking at the stats of your site and wondering how you can have so many visitors but little consumer response? "It's your website's navigation"...

Jeffrey and Bryan's new book, Call to Action, is one of the hottest business books of the year. This book delves into the down-and-dirty, easy-to-understand-and-apply guide to creating a killer website that will make a miraculous difference for your business.

How successful are these guys? How about a client roster that includes GE, Disney, Volvo, and PriceWaterhouseCoopers.

Here's a summary of what the book offers:

Call to Action presents an overview of the principles and tactics of conversion rate marketing as developed and practiced by Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg, founders of Future Now, Inc. Since the company’s inception in 1998, Future Now, Inc. has pioneered the science and art of online conversion, focusing exclusively on helping clients persuade and convert their traffic into leads, customers and sales based on Persuasion Architecture and proven conversion rate optimization techniques.

Within these pages, Bryan and Jeffrey walk you through the five phases that comprise web site development, from the critical planning phase, through developing structure, momentum and communication, to articulating value. Along the way, they offer advice and practical applicationsin the trenches.” You will learn about persona-based design and persuasion scenarios, how to choose and evaluate key performance indicators, how to distinguish copy that will earn its keep culled from their years of experience. “

The only thing you have to lose by passing on this offer is a great deal of profit from learning how to create a powerful website.


Secrets to Generate Over $43,000 in Adsense Revenue

>> Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all were able to generate that much money from Adsense each month. What if someone who is making that much per month on adsense income alone would be willing to teach the methods used to reach that type of income. AND Not only the methods but give you the tools to do it too.

Most people would be happy to reach $100 per day in adsense income..

This Adsense website aims to get you up and improving your adsense income with online training and software everymonth.

The keys to $43,000/month


Need Content For Your Website?

If you have a website, you probably know good content is one of THE most important essentials for bringing in search engine traffic and repeat visitors.

Bryan Winters will launch a new site this weekend at:

The site gives you an absolute lifeline if you need new articles for your site and will be one of the Must Have Resources for any marketer.

Check the details for how to become a FREE member


Do Our Dreams Change with Success?

>> Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I've always had a life long dream to live in the South of France or Switzerland, growing old with my significant other, kids being bilingual - Taking it all in, traveling by train, bike or car to other areas in Europe, and just enjoy living the "easy going" European lifestyle....

I'm not sure when I will actually fully accomplish this dream, but I’ve often found that my dreams, aspirations and ambitions have changed over time. I know what is important to me now was definitely not important to me in my younger 20's.

For most of my friends, their dreams and ambitions change because of financial difficulities, worries about pension, politics, its either one thing or another – something or everything seems to get in the way, but their dreams are nothing like mine....

I guess this is one way that sets me apart from others, I don't care what other people say about my dreams. I have taken up the spontaneous "get up and do it" approach. I completely ignore people as they have been wrong before so what makes the possibility of them being wrong once again???

MY attitude is possitive and filled with words like: “I can do this” and “I am good", and “I know I can reach my goals. I am the best in what I do, because I believe I can achieve my ambitions.”

Belief, passion, and desire are all interlinked. Success can be anything you want it to be. You don’t need to live up to someone else's ideals in order to reach your goals and accomplish your dreams in life.

If you find yourself surrounded by negative thinking people, then you have to make a decision, either you get rid of them. Surround yourself with more positive minded people in your life. I know I sadly had to make that decision and although it hurt to really make life altering decisions, it was the best thing I could have done for myself.

How do you attract other "positive" minded people?

Networking is the key. About 60-70% of the people that go to networking events are really positive. They either want to know what the buzz is, or they might need your help.

Networking with new friends, be it for business venture, or for some other reason will really help, also going to the gym and getting some fresh air walking or jogging is good because you will often see the same people and can treat it as a networking event.

If you feel uncomfortable, or lack the confidence to do it, then you have to face this fear - be a character that is close to what you’d like to be.... It is all a lesson of what your weaknesses really are and what you know you need to improve upon in your life.

Surround yourself with those people who will always want to be happy, interested in listening - make an effort to ask a good question and listen to what the other person is saying...

Learn how to hand out your business card – repeating this process breeds recognition.

I’d say the networking breed applies true to life. If you want it, get it - you need it, ask for it - if you believe it, it will happen. You have to believe in yourself, believe in your skills, put faith in the actions you take and follow them up. Why wait 10 years to earn the money, the respect that you deserve today?

Without networking, you may spend 10, 20 years in the same job on the earning the same low pay taking no risks, knowing nobody except clients – Start yourself to a networking success now and get your dreams on track, make it happen!


Think and Grow Rich Review

>> Monday, May 16, 2005

“A must read self-help, motivational book…”

Napoleon Hill is widely recognized as the founder of the modern genre of personal success literature. His most famous work, Think and Grow Rich, is one of the best-selling books of all time.

Napoleon Hill’s inspirational book “Think and Grow Rich” is a great book to read when you are looking for a bit of inspiration and pushing for success.

After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered many secrets to obtaining great wealth. These secrets are based on the notion that if we can learn to think like the rich, we can achieve it.

Unlike all other other self-help books, Hill actually explains how other people overcame their odds, and explains how to thinking can improve one’s outlook, one’s avenue and view on life, on their job and their career aspirations.

Although a lot of people complain that Hill’s masterpiece was written many decades ago by a man who didn’t live in our time and can, at times, it does not detract from the overall message. Being negative is the one thought we are conditioned into us at an early age.

Hill most importantly teaches us to take action, and putting faith in one's self and change our minds and our thinking. We must beat "these negative thoughts" to become rich and wealthy.

If you’re anything like me, you have to “see it to believe it”. The magic of Think and Grow Rich is when you put the ideas into action… I once read the book and got pumped up, but didn’t do anything about it. In order to achieve success, you must be able to take action to get results.

Think and Grow Rich is a an all-time classic and a must read for anyone serious about success, their dreams or their career.


Waterfront Property - A million dollar investment?

>> Saturday, May 14, 2005

According to a survey by Royal Lepage Estate Services, more and more people are buying waterfront property across Canada. Real estate is one of the best investments you can help bring yourself towards making your first million.....

The trend for buying up waterfront property isn't only being fueled by baby boomers looking for a relaxing getaway location because almost half of potential buyers say it's important to have Internet access at the cottage. (Does it sound like the Hamptons??)

Some might choose to escape without losing touch with the office, and certainly what many webmasters might just need.

How far are you willing to travel to have your dream property?

In the mean time, the recreational property market shows no sign of cooling down as an aging population, changing lifestyle and technological advances draw more buyers into the market.

It will be interesting to see how many more people follow this pattern as more and more people retire or start their life exclusively on the Internet....


Let Your Success Grow Over Time

>> Friday, May 13, 2005

We all have a desire to achieve some level of success.

Everyone wants to be successful but very few are really willing to do whatever it takes to really achieve that success we desire.

This is exactly why very few people actually achieve success...

Success does not have any type of secret formula, that is exactly why many millionaires are willing to share their stories, so they can teach you that desire to achieve success too. This is why so many of them are really giving a select few the chance to apprentice under them and become a product of their success.

All Successful people possess a few of the same traits. Take a look and see if Donald Trump possesses these same traits.

  1. They possess a successful attitude.
  2. They believe in themselves.
  3. They adopt a personal successful self image of themselves.
  4. They also believe other people are important to their image.
I'm not sure if you watch The Apprentice, but what I got out of the last episode was a person who will become an apprentice possesses traits that when working with others, they possess all 4 of the above qualities.

Why are other people so important?

If you are in business, you deal with new prospects daily. You should always treat these people are your greatest asset because you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Remember, when you are positive you attract other positive people who want to follow you or possess many of the same traits you bring out in yourself.

(Why do you think so many people would love to have the chance to be the next apprentice??)

Make sure your goals are big enough to be realistic but challenging enough that you still must challenge yourself to achieve these goals over time. Remember, success is a process you see over time, don't rush your success...

To a successful future,



Becoming an Automatic Millionaire

>> Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Did you know there are five questions that determine with 90 percent certainty if you will be an Automatic Millionaire?

You can Learn How to Use...

• Charts and checklists for paying down debt while you save

• A clear path for any renter to become a home owner

• Worksheets to set savings goals and meet them, no matter how much you make

• A game plan for paying off mortgages early

• The one crucial step that guarantees your financial plan will succeed

• Details on where to invest, what phone calls to make, and exactly what to say when automating your financial future

Along the way, you will be inspired by stories of ordinary Americans from all walks of life who are becaming Automatic Millionaires. The Automatic Millionaire Workbook makes it easier than ever for you to put your financial life on autopilot and finish rich—without a budget....

Check it out, it's quite inspiring..


Finding the Hottest Products on the Web

>> Tuesday, May 10, 2005

You can get your hands on the free report by Paul Smithson:

Secrets for Finding the Hottest Products to Sell on the Web

"Discover what the Internet buying public wants, what they can't live without -- and how much they're willing to pay for it".

  • Discover if there is a market for your product.
  • How to sell and market that product.
  • How to Find What the Internet Buying Public is Hungry For.
  • What Products and Services People Are Searching For
    on the Web.
Grab your free copy at:

But hurry as I am not sure how much longer the free report will be offered!


Millionaire Success Stories

>> Monday, May 09, 2005

All of us need inspiration from time to time. Seeing that we just celebrated mother's day, I figured a bit of inspiration was needed to celebrate what mom's do.

Mothers can have both financial and family success. "As a Mom Thinketh" addresses the thinking that prevents mothers from obtaining their financial goals and shows them how to dream big and live wealthy while enjoying their children.

Moms will learn how successful people think and tap into the millionaire mind. As a Mom Thinketh offers every mother (single, married, widowed, or divorced) a choice to change her circumstances. Mothers will be taught wealth in a style that is non-threatening and fun.

Moms will also learn:

1. Seven money skills of CEOs that mothers can use to create wealth.

2. Four simple steps to making money doing what you love.

3. Nine mommy-benefits that can be negotiated at work.

4. Three rules moms must know to win at playing the money game.

5. Four reasons why mothers are a high-risk for poverty.

Remember, all of us need a bit of inspiration in our lives. How will you get your inspiration to bring you to the next level for your millionaire success?


Calling all webmasters

>> Sunday, May 08, 2005

Have a website? Earn money with LinkShare merchants.

I'm so excited about a new offer that I would love to tell you more, but here is the catch!

Currently if you sign up for link share, i will tell you how you can get your free copy of Revenue Magazine

It is only a limited time offer so hurry and sign up!

Link Share Sign up form

After you have signed up, just send me a personal email, through the foruum of if you know my email address, send me an email and I'll tell you how easy it is. You have to be a link share affiliate in order to take advantage of the offer!

Rosalind Gardener will be in the net issue of Revenue Magazine so it is definitely something to get your hands on soon.

You can reach me through -


Position Yourself for Success

Did you know that the way that you are positioned in the mind of others can help or hurt you?

It's that simple - people who are positioned as leaders in a field are those one's who achieve great success. You do not have to achieve success by having the best product around. In fact, you do not even have to have a product at all...

But you do have to do one thing: You have to plant the right message in your customers minds so that they keep coming back for more....

How do you do this?

Establish yourself as an expert in your field. Create a newsletter, ezine, blog, online magazine or other great tips which gets your readers coming back to see your next update.

What have you done today or this week which gets other people to check up on your posts to see what you have done?

When you create weekly, bi-weekly or monthly material, your subscribers or readers come back to check to see what you have to say. You are creating a need for them to come back and ask you for more information.

What have you essentially done? You have positioned yourself as an expert or authority in your field.

YOU will win big - you are a success!

Think about creating a list, building an ezine or online magazine that you can use to show your expertise in the subject or category that you sell your products, services or information. You will soon find more followers. Position yourself correctly and build your list of successful followers...

Success can happen...


Motivating Yourself to Success

>> Saturday, May 07, 2005

I know all of us need a push or drive for motivation from time to time.

But Did you know you can create the motivation you need?

I know that sounds odd, but it’s true. You can consciously define, direct and intensify your motivation to achieve any goal. It is a mindset that can set you off in any direction you like. At times we tend to get sidetracked with negative thoughts. This is when we need that extra boost either from someone else or from something we read to get us going on the right track.

Motivation is key to success. After all, motivation drives action. And action is the only thing that will move your business forward. All your plans, hopes, dreams and intentions are useless without action.

The process of creating motivation is actually very simple.

  1. You must write out your goal as clearly and simply as you can.
  2. Specify when you’ll have it and what you’re going to do for it.
  3. Then read it out loud every day.
  4. Memorize it and say it to yourself often.
  5. Make yourself believe it.
Believing in yourself is how you can create the necessary conditions to achieve every burning desire inside. It might seem hard to believe but that is how every great person thinks before coming their own success story in the making...

The result will be a burning, driving and consuming motivation to make the object of your desire a reality. Give yourself the opportunity to succeed.

"Nothing happens unless first a dream" - Carl Sandberg

Here's to creating those dreams and turning your business into a thriving success.

- Jen


Keeping a Successful Blog Full of Loyal Readers

>> Friday, May 06, 2005

Tightly-themed niche sites get better rankings than more generic sites. They also tend to build up a more loyal base of readers with a greater interest in that niche topic.

If you have a few blogs going at once, maybe you have been contemplating the question:

Should I have Many Niche Blogs Or One Collective One?

Here is one way to make your life a bit easier.

Instead publish to a single domain under different categories, making your publishing that much easier. Consider splitting up your blogs into different niche topics or categories. If you choose not to do this, you may be loosing readers because you are offering too much variety and lose of interest. Here is one blog doing exactly this.

Here are the reasons why many niche blogs (split up into categories) work better than just a single generic one.

Keep your reader loyalty while building creditbility. - Loyal readers who follow your blog will bookmark your site and follow it as you have updates. With blogging on one topic alone you can build your profile and perceived expertise on a topic or niche.

More posts - The more posts you are able to add the bigger your sites are and the more potential entry points you have for readers from Search Engines, without overwhleming them.

Good for contextual Advertising - Ad programs like Adsense seem to work better on sites that are tightly focused. You get better targeted ads and higher click values.

Good for Search Engine Optimization - Search Engines like sites that are focused on one topic, that have multiple pages on the one theme and that are integrated sites.


Don't let the goods slip away at

>> Thursday, May 05, 2005

I was reading one of my favorite newsletters this morning and had to see what Googspy was all about. GoogSpy - - is the new online spy tool which was launched on April 25. It's pretty eye opening stuff and has a lot to offer.

So what is the site?
It's a free search based upon the top 10 and dumps in daily about 500,000 top Google searches. There are big and small companies and competitors that show up in this search.

In some ways it levels the playing field, making company marketing secrets publicly available. This tool doesn't cost anything to use, not even an email address - it's just like a search engine.

GoogSpy is brand new and it's not perfect. You'll probably see a few runtime errors and your site may not be in the database yet. Explore. Click around. Have fun.

Warning: It's addictive. Go out and turn your million dollar idea into a reality...



How Much Do you Know About Making Money With Adsense?

>> Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Are you letting Google Adsense work for you? You say you think you know enough, but not making much money with Adsense. I felt the same way, until I applied Google Adsense Secrets with the 13 page top paying keywords.

Have you ever wondered how you could improve your Adsense income?

Well there are at least 3 ways to improve your adsense income.
1. Improve your page impressions (amt of visitors each day).
2. Placement of your Google Ads
3. Look of your Google Ads

Google Adsense Secrets e-book reveals the secrets you need to succeed and the answers to the 3 ways to improve your income above. Why not take your free 13 page list and apply it with a #1 Selling e-book.

Google Adsense Secrets is brand new in Feb 2005, hot off the 'digital press'....


Get Top Paying Keyword List Free

>> Monday, May 02, 2005

I found an interesting site a few days ago. The website is

The 13 Page List of Paying Adsense Keywords is now available for $7 purchase for those who are too busy (or lazy) to make 30 quality forum posts.

Why pay $149-499 for 1/10th the list to other site when at its $7 or free by posting on our forums! For more info visit our HOME page:

I'd say many newbies are after this site more than anyone else. The posts are bit comical to say the least. But if you can write an article using some of these top paying key words, it could be worth your time...

And just so you know, I've already got the list...


Think it, Learn it, Do it

Tired of living from paycheck to paycheck?

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Why not join a program that will teach you the 3 step plan to wealth that Robert's Rich Dad taught him. The program contains a Home Study Course Binder, 12 CDs with specialized lessons from Robert's personal team of experts, 1 video that will show you how to stop living from paycheck to paycheck and enjoy the power of having money work for you, 1 bonus audio tape that reveals the six simple obstacles people face on their path to wealth; and a debt eliminator - a practical tool to help you eliminate bad debt and build a strong foundation.

Here is what randy connolly has to say about the course.
"If you were to buy one product that had the whole nuts and bolts in learning how to become legally financially successful through business and investing,this is the one it is a great privaledge to own this product,I feel spoiled!"

Why not Learn how to apply this course in your life too!