Keeping a Successful Blog Full of Loyal Readers

>> Friday, May 06, 2005

Tightly-themed niche sites get better rankings than more generic sites. They also tend to build up a more loyal base of readers with a greater interest in that niche topic.

If you have a few blogs going at once, maybe you have been contemplating the question:

Should I have Many Niche Blogs Or One Collective One?

Here is one way to make your life a bit easier.

Instead publish to a single domain under different categories, making your publishing that much easier. Consider splitting up your blogs into different niche topics or categories. If you choose not to do this, you may be loosing readers because you are offering too much variety and lose of interest. Here is one blog doing exactly this.

Here are the reasons why many niche blogs (split up into categories) work better than just a single generic one.

Keep your reader loyalty while building creditbility. - Loyal readers who follow your blog will bookmark your site and follow it as you have updates. With blogging on one topic alone you can build your profile and perceived expertise on a topic or niche.

More posts - The more posts you are able to add the bigger your sites are and the more potential entry points you have for readers from Search Engines, without overwhleming them.

Good for contextual Advertising - Ad programs like Adsense seem to work better on sites that are tightly focused. You get better targeted ads and higher click values.

Good for Search Engine Optimization - Search Engines like sites that are focused on one topic, that have multiple pages on the one theme and that are integrated sites.