Millionaire Success Stories

>> Monday, May 09, 2005

All of us need inspiration from time to time. Seeing that we just celebrated mother's day, I figured a bit of inspiration was needed to celebrate what mom's do.

Mothers can have both financial and family success. "As a Mom Thinketh" addresses the thinking that prevents mothers from obtaining their financial goals and shows them how to dream big and live wealthy while enjoying their children.

Moms will learn how successful people think and tap into the millionaire mind. As a Mom Thinketh offers every mother (single, married, widowed, or divorced) a choice to change her circumstances. Mothers will be taught wealth in a style that is non-threatening and fun.

Moms will also learn:

1. Seven money skills of CEOs that mothers can use to create wealth.

2. Four simple steps to making money doing what you love.

3. Nine mommy-benefits that can be negotiated at work.

4. Three rules moms must know to win at playing the money game.

5. Four reasons why mothers are a high-risk for poverty.

Remember, all of us need a bit of inspiration in our lives. How will you get your inspiration to bring you to the next level for your millionaire success?