Tips for Writing Effectively

>> Thursday, June 30, 2005

So you've got that million dollar idea that you are just itching to tell the world about. You have gotten ahold of a mailing list and you want to send out an email promoting your million dollar product idea...

Here are some ideas that will get your readers responding to that email.

Keep it simple.
Get your readers attention in the headline.
Keep them wanting to
Offer a free gift.

Test the email first to see what kind of feedback you get...



Attitude is Everything

>> Tuesday, June 28, 2005

When you have an unstoppable attitude, you will always have the power to succeed. You have the power to change your own attitude, so make your attitude viral and let other's want to be part of your life. By changing your attitude to a positive one, you are actually giving yourself better odds towards achieving success.

Did you know you attract the same people you are friends with because of your attitude. An upbeat and positive attitude will attract you to other successful upbeat people. When you live in a happy and positive state, you also tend to get further in life just for doing that. Plus it will make you feel good. :)

Just as a bad attitude will pull you down, a healthy mind and good attitude will help you meet your goals and strive to become that person you want to be in your life. Here's to accomplishing everything you want in your life.

- And Remember Attitude is Everything


The Money is in the List!

>> Monday, June 27, 2005

So Where's Yours?

You might be tired of hearing that you need to build
your own opt-in list, but it's true.

The big money and profits come from responsive and
qualified leads. Why rent lists or ad space when you
can build your own list of leads to contact whenever
you want?

Did you know that top marketers say that you can
earn $1 per month for every lead you have on your
opt-in list?

So if you have 10,000 subscribers, you can potentially
earn $10,000 per month promoting your latest venture to
your list.

Just imagine what an extra $10,000 a month could
mean to you and your family. Learn More

The best part about this, is that it will cost you
absolutely nothing to start building your list. Yes,
that's right - it is 100% free, so you have nothing
to lose!

To Your Success,
Jennifer Schilling


Do you have an unstoppable attitude?

Perserverance is only part of the puzzle to keep on going towards your ultimate goals. Every time you fail and get back up again, you are doing what you need to perservere.

Having an unstoppable attitude to perservere will insure your success. Determination is part of having an unstoppable attitude. But also moving on, no matter what other people tell you is also part of this trait. The people who believe in you will always be there through the good and bad times in your life.

Negative attitudes can be seen when you are complaining with how much work you have to accomplish. Instead of thinking of work overload as obstacles, think of them more as an opportunity to accomplish something incredible. Incredible thoughts lead to incredible results, especially when you enjoy what you are doing.

Not too many people succeed when they don't enjoy their work. If there are some tasks you do not enjoy as much, either put them first on your list to do or delegate them out to other people. You will find you will be in a much better mood and able to get your tasks done faster.

Why do something you don't like to do? You are in control of your life, your destiny and what you do with your work....

So why not live a life you love and keep your attitude unstoppable. Here's to accomplishing million dollar results...


Realizing Your Success Potential

>> Sunday, June 26, 2005

Most people want to be successful. It's a fact of human nature to want to achieve success whether it is making your first million or making your first buck.

As with most people, you set a goal and then start working towards reaching your goals. But that success has a different meaning for many people. Success does not always mean having money, but maybe reaching a certain platform you have set for yourself. It could be as little as completing a book within a month or bettering your language skills.

Since success is usually different for every person, you will see success in many different shapes and sizes. Baring there is one common quotient because Success is important and takes time to reach the goals you set out to achieve.

Regardless of your success, there are ways to make sure you achieve these goals. In order to succeed at anything, you need to believe you have the potential to reach your goals. First make sure you have to potential to be able to climb to your goals and make sure your goals are actually realistic and not far fetched.

Here's to realizing your potential - read more


How to Make Money and Achieve True Success

>> Friday, June 24, 2005

Don't you have goals to make a cool million. I bet that is all you think about. I'll be successful when I make my first million.

Well maybe that is the wrong mindset....

Start small and help yourself grow one step at a time.
Take those baby steps before moving onto something large.
When you were young, you didn't walk before you started learning to crawl.
You didn't run before you started to walk.
You didn't complete 2 grade before you went to kindergarten.
Life is a process and so is success...

Here’s my point.
People can get scattered.
Forget about the past.
Forget about the money.

This is what you need to do to be successful...

Create Value.
Network with others.
Fail by trying.
Get Up and go again.
Concentrate on your goals.
Use Discipline.
Build your team.
Be Persistant.
Experience growth.
Reading books doesn't give you real personal growth.
Read and apply.

Good luck in applying your ideas to be successful...


Have You Found Your Internet Marketing Goldmine?

>> Thursday, June 23, 2005

Finding a niche can be an open door to a profitable online business. All you have to do is Research a niche market and be certain that your product or service is valuable to this target market. Find forums or groups that target this audience and pay close attention to their concerns.

If you can help these people you WILL make money. The best of both worlds!

Find out more on how you can Find an Internet Marketing Goldmine.


Procrastination Kills

>> Wednesday, June 22, 2005

We all procrastinate for one reason or another. But the worst part of it exists because we want to be a perfectionist at our work. Just going out and doing a little is far better than not doing anything.

"You don't have to get it right. You just have to get it going" - Mike Litman

To read more about how you can accomplish more and end procrastination read it here


The Importance of Mentors

>> Monday, June 20, 2005

Did you know searching out success mentors and people who have transformed their own lives into millionaire success stories are the most beneficial people to you! What it forces you to do is to live up to their level of success.

You get exactly that with Winning. Learn from this world-class executive through reading his book Winning. Mr. Welch is a great mentor who is generous in sharing his own knowledge. He is not afraid of sharing his successes, failures, and the lessons he has learned from them. His stories and experiences further validate the fact that, in general, the theories learned in the business school are very applicable in the real world.

I am really impressed with the particular solutions or explanations given to some detailed business questions. The authors have done a great job in balancing communicating formal business knowledge and sharing useful nuggets of knowledge from experience in various aspects of executive management.

The writing in this book is down-to-earth and the logic behind is clear and sensible. In each chapter, important concepts are organized as several important points that are further explained and supported with examples.

Start your summer off with a new mentor from Winning


Don't Let Procrastination Stop Your Success

>> Sunday, June 19, 2005

Procrastination is a habitual behavior. Such a behavior can be broken if you make the decision to do so. Keep a list of the goals you need to accomplish, both long and short term goals, and reward yourself for each the goals you cross off your list. It is not easy to break old habits, but it can be done and soon you will find that the new behavior is second nature.

Keep in mind that your emotional health is closely related to your physical health. A sensible diet and exercise will do wonders for your self-image.

You will find that when you make an effort to change your negative behavior you will have more energy and your self-esteem will soar. Procrastination will no longer control your life and you will be motivated to accomplish your goals. You can change your self-image and become a highly motivated individual if you take the time to find out why you lack motivation and take steps to improve your self-esteem.

Read more about achieving your goals


Earn Money and Gifts with Mystery Shopping

>> Saturday, June 18, 2005

Have you ever heard about mystery shopping? Well here are a few quick facts to get you up to date and help you earn a little extra money.

Being a mystery shopper should be a fun job that you do in your spare time. There are excellent opportunities for mystery shoppers. The majority of mystery shoppers will earn extra spending money, receive free meals, valuable coupons, and possibly free nights in the hotels they visit. Talk about a good trade for rating their business.

A mystery shopper is employed to increase the level of customer satisfaction associated with the businesses. Businesses find valuable information in the detailed opinions and questionnaires provided by mystery shoppers.

Be careful, most mystery shoppers do not depend on the job as their primary means of support. A successful mystery shopper is very discreet and detail-oriented. Before making a commitment to a mystery shopper service, make sure you fully understand what you can expect as far as job assignments and compensation.

Being a mystery shopper is a fun way to earn extra money and receive free gifts and services. There are numerous mystery shopper offers from which to choose. Research each offer carefully and make smart choices. Mystery shoppers make extra money, receive free merchandise, and have fun in the process. You be the judge and check out mystery shopping yourself.



Building Multiple Streams of Income

>> Friday, June 17, 2005

Since summer is coming upon us, I decided to prepare a bit early for my season of rush. I'm working on bringing more of my work with me. I started readingMultiple Streams of Internet Income this week. Now I'm not a newbie but the reason why I actually bough the book was to give me that little boost of inspiration and to spring up a few new ideas.

Multiple Streams of Internet Income has definitely lived up to it's promise. I've gotten a few new ideas to start on my new emailing campaign. Although not the case, I just love the fact that Robert Allen is just so inspirational. I'm still astonished that the basics hold true year after year...

It's a great book for anyone to get ahold of for that price...


How many Bells and Whistles do you have?

>> Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Internet is full of dead and dying businesses that have been distracted by the bells and whistles of technology of the 21st century. When it comes to making money, people will try to sell you a lot of bells and whistles.

Read this joke by Charles Jarvis to find out more about these bells and whistles.

After you read the story note the one thing people ignore is the lesson of the birdseed!

So how can the birdseed be applied to your internet marketing business? You have to start with a desire to succeed.

Your Desires should include:

1. Building a dream
2. Attracting a dream
3. Choosing an outlet to promote your dream.

To learn more about how you can start your dream go to Internet Marketing


Is it Motivation or Persistence that Creates Success?

>> Wednesday, June 15, 2005

What is your success which keeps you motivated enough to keep on going? Is it the same success which millionaires possess to help them keep moving day in and day out....

Is it the feeling you get after working out every day?
Is it losing 10 more pounds after seeing your loose clothes?
OR is it the email showing you made another sale from your website?

One of the biggest qualities successful people possess is Persistence. So if Persistence is a quality successful people possess, do they possess motivation too? Motivation is what helps us get up every day to keep going...

So how is success related to all of this? Find out here.


Who's Blogging Near You?

>> Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Who is near you?


The Millionaire Mind

>> Monday, June 13, 2005

Have you ever wondered how Millionaires Think?

Do you think you have a Millionaire Mind?

Well now you can find out. The author of The Millionaire Mind, Thomas J. Stanley, provides the reader with a well researched study of wealthy people in the USA. Stanley researched and interviewed millionaires who told him how they achieved their millionaire status in one generation.

Their stories are enlightening and inspiring teaching how to create a path to become a millionaire in the next few years.

The Millionaire Mind teaches the key success factors for achieving millionaire status. These factors include hard work, integrity and focus. Stanley does not discount the lack of a sound academic background as a barrier to economic success. In fact, Stanley concludes the millionaire wealthy class is in reality the model citizen.

To find out more about The Millionaire Mind, read the entire review.


Making Money Fast

>> Sunday, June 12, 2005

The title just sounds so disolutioning doesn't it? I mean who really makes money fast on the Internet? Well it can happen....

You just have to jump at every opportunity you have and turn it into a million dollar product. I'm sure it's a lot easier said than done but what if it wasn't...

Think about taking one of the most popular tools around right now and turn that into your popular product. The most wanted tool out there are Google's high paying PPC Adwords terms used in Adsense. I've certainly got that tool.

(And just another hint, Google has publically told everyone how to make money with Adsense.)

Take those most wanted keywords and turn it into a product. I'm sure it can pay off especially if you advertise it on Ebay as well...

Here's to making a fast buck with the most popular search terms on the Internet NOW....


Haven't you Downloaded Firefox yet?

Wouldn't you like to be using A World Class Product of the Year.

Well The Free Mozilla Firefox WEB BROWSER is exactly just that. This open-source program is streamlined, customizable, and just plain better (especially since it's MAC friendly too!). No wonder it has attracted millions of users in just a few months, especially in Germany.

Is it a mere coincidence Microsoft finally plans to give the aging Internet Explorer the major overhaul it has needed for years?

Here's a Firefox review of the Product of the Year.

After I had enough with Internet Explorer, Firefox came to the rescue in due time. I was being flooded by different IE patches and sudden crashes in the Internet Explorer program which just got to be too much to handle.

With so many choices just a software download away, which browser is best? Opera, Netscape or Firefox? And after all is said and done, should you really switch?

There are a lot of reasons why users are fleeing Microsoft Internet Explorer, but a lot of it boils down to security. Firefox, Netscape, and Opera all offer significant feature improvements over IE. These improvements include tabbed browsing for juggling multiple Web pages, and built-in pop-up blocking to prevent ads from opening new browser windows.

Other refinements include helpful managers for file downloads, integrated search bars, and more accessible controls for managing histories, cookie files, and the browser cache.

Firefox 1.0 stood out as the best overall choice for me because it's ease of use and multiple tabs window. The browser does an excellent job of faithfully displaying Web pages, offers a superior user interface, and suffers fewer crashes. It's also highly customizable through something called Firefox Extensions. You can download them here.

One area where you'll hear is how quickly a browser can show your web searches. Although Firefox tended to outperform all the others in loading complex pages, but this was only a difference of one to two seconds. Be aware all browsers offer their own unique benefits and drawbacks, depending upon your computer. Firefox is also great for power users who want to add functionality to the browser, and definitely easy for newbies just getting started.

Before you ditch Internet Explorer once and for all, Microsoft still requires its browser to access its Windows Update and Office Update services, and it's not uncommon to find Web sites that are designed specifically for IE. Remember, it's not like you cannot have just one more browser on your computer. If one browser acts up, close it and launch the another one.

Check out a few more of the Firefox awards below:

PC World Product of the Year
Forbes Best of the Web
PC Magazine Editors’ Choice Award


Improving Sales for Your Online Business

>> Thursday, June 09, 2005

I recently read an interesting article from "Improving Sales for Your Online Business" by Kevin Gold.

If you are interested in how you can improve your top line by increasing the number of unique visitors to your website. Or maybe you are more interested in your bottom line by increasing your visitor-to-sale or visitor-to-lead conversion rates.

Regardless, I think this is one article you should read...

"Improving Sales for Your Online Business


Take Time to Listen

Taking time out of your day to listen to others is probably the best thing you can do for yourself and for them. It's some of the best advise to follow and can lead to success in the millions...

God gave you two ears and one mouth and he did it for a reason. We are supposed to “listen” twice as much as we “speak.”

Instead of pouncing on potential clients with the latest and greatest program, you are offering find out what your prospective client wants and needs.

Ask your prospect questions, lots of questions. In fact, in your first meeting, don’t even mention your business! Yes, that’s what I said. Don’t even bring it up. Remove yourself from the business persona and spend time making a new friend.

Follow these recommendations and you are set to grow your business exponentially.

Here's the article in full: Creating Your Success


The E-Code - A Book Review

>> Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The E-Code brings together the combined wisdom of 33 Internet marketing superstars to reveal how they make money online, using nothing but the power of e-mail.

The E-Code discloses the secrets of marketing giants like Joe Vitale, Jo Han Mok, Mark Joyner, Joseph Sugarman, Terry Dean, Yanik Silver, Frank Kern, Ewen Chia, Frank Garon, Jim Edwards, Robert Bly, Randy Charach, Gary Vurnum, Dan Poynter, Diane Hughes, Jeff Mulligan, and Bart Baggett (and more!)

Simply put, Joe Vital wants you to make money fast. He lays down a plan on how to make at least some money on the Internet. He gives you ideas on how to get started right away and fast!

This book paid off for me the first few minutes I read it.

The E-Code Book Review

Buy the E-Code - So far this is the only place that you can buy the book.


Join the Elite Few

>> Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I'm sure most of us have some type of the same stereotypical goal. We would love to be rich, happy, and attract anything you want into your life. All of this seems like such a pipe dream rather than reality where you actually know and apply how the elite few create their own success....

Now you can Magnetize your desires.. attract your dreams.. and create a life of happiness, success and luxury! There's a secret that 99% of the world doesn't know. It's what got me started and changed my life around.

Just imagine achieving everything you want in life, and never having to feel anything but 100% unshakable happiness, for the rest of your life.

For most, the concept is a dream, a fantasy and something you just cannot fathom and is beyond your control.

But today, I'm going to prove that you can get everything you want in life.... and you can do it, fast!

Check out what I am talking about here: Join my elite Inner Circle


The Wealthy Barber

>> Sunday, June 05, 2005

If you, like most people, have not seriously considered what steps you should take for planning your finances and are now planning on buying a house, getting married or having children, you will do well to read David Chilton's book 'The Wealthy Barber'.

It will not matter if you have never heard of a mutual fund or even balanced your checkbook. If dry financial reading is not up your alley, you will STILL find
'the Wealthy Barber' easy reading. It will have you fluent in financial planning in weeks.

The key to David Chilton's success with his book is that it is written as a story, rather than a manual. You follow three 30ish individuals as they build their financial houses from scratch. They get their information from one of the most knowledgeable and financially secure individuals in town - the barber.

Click here to read the full review


Business Networking puts More Money in Your Pocket

Business networking puts more money in your pocket by helping you overcome the number one biggest problem facing new business owners.

What's that biggest problem? Prospecting for new customers.

Business networking events can go a long way towards making the whole prospecting problem go away. There are two main kinds of networking opportunities available to the average entrepreneur. Passive networking and strong networking. Both have unique benefits and drawbacks.

The most well known example of passive networking is your local chamber of commerce. You can find a chamber of commerce chapter in almost every major city worldwide. Your local chamber of commerce gives you the opportunity to meet with many of the movers and shakers in your local business community. Through the many events they plan on a monthly and yearly basis, they offer you a chance to connect with a number of potential prospects for your products and services.

Weekly networking groups or clubs are an example of strong networking opportunities. These kinds of business networking events can be found in many major cities worldwide. A strong networking group will meet on a weekly basis for the sole purpose of exchanging business leads with one another and learning better ways of networking to grow their business.

The most successful networking groups require your weekly attendance and insist that their members provide fellow members with referrals throughout the year. They also allow only one person from each profession or industry to belong to the group. This keeps the quality of the referrals high. One such group is Business Network International (BNI).

So what are the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of networking?

They both have their place but strong networking groups represent a bigger commitment than passive networking groups. By belonging to a strong networking group, you are committed to be on the lookout for referrals for group members. Strong networking groups also usually meet on a weekly basis whereas passive networking groups usually meet monthly.

Passive networks can have multiple people from one profession or industry as members. They also have no requirements for passing on referrals to other members. Referrals do occur in a passive networking event but it is not facilitated by the meeting and is totally up to the business owner to initiate. You can belong to multiple passive networking groups. Any business you get from passive networking will most likely be a result of the amount of effort you put in.

Strong networks on the other hand restrict membership to only one person per industry or profession. This greatly increases the likelihood that you will receive referrals from participating members. Meetings are structured in a way to encourage referrals and there is a formal referral exchange that happens every week. It is strongly recommended that you only belong to one strong networking group in order to keep the quality of your referrals high.

In either case, it is important for members of these groups to see you as professional and competent. Referrals will go to people the referrer knows, likes and trusts.

Want more business?

Start attending business networking events in your area.

Resource Box
Jennifer Schilling publishes a Internet Business Tips newsletter.
Come get your free subscription at


Network Marketing Success

>> Saturday, June 04, 2005

Network marketing is the same as any other business—to succeed you need a system, and more importantly you need to follow it! Your success starts with you.

I think this is the biggest key to success. We often get to boggled down in our every day routine and don't have a set plan to keep up on track. As a matter of fact, most of us put off some of these tasks because we don't have deadlines or constraints which force us to finish what we have started.

One of the most important aspects of success is started by how we portray ourselves in our own mind. We need to have a positive attitude and the drive to succeed in order to accomplish our lofty goals in life...

To read more about how you can reach your goals, read the article in full.

Network Marketing Success


Internet Marketing Guru Corey Rudl Dies

>> Friday, June 03, 2005

I just read a report in the LA Times that Corey Rudl has died in a racing accident yesterday. According to the report, he and the driver driving a porsche which crashed at over 100 miles per hour. If the story is actually true, this will definitely rock the Internet Marketing world.

Just this past year Corey and his fiance were married in a very public wedding down in the LA area. They were both very happy young and vibrant with an incredible future ahead of them.

Corey Rudl is one of the pioneers in Internet Marketing, even maybe a legend. He was known to have made over 40 million in his career and another 7.5 million this past year. I'm sure he was headed for a bigger income this year also.

Corey had office staff which was handling most of the marketing & communication these last couple of years, even with some of the contraversy with his techniques. Regardless, he was very successful and very well-known... and there is much to be learned from his model as well as his material.

Still a complete shock - read complete story..

As well - Internet Marketer Priya Shah will be taking time off to morn for the death of her husband on wednesday.


Chatting for Free With Skype

>> Thursday, June 02, 2005

A month or two ago, a few friends of mine started asking me if I had ever used Skype. I had heard about this computer based telephoney before but I really never considered downloading and using it myself. But then it hit me, well why not use it if it is in fact free and so easy to use.

With Skype you can make free calls over the Internet. Skype the whole world can talk for free. Skype is free Internet telephony that just works.

Skype is for calling other people on their computers or phones. Download Skype and start calling for free all over the world.

What do you need for it to work? Actually only a microphone or headset. For many Mac users this is totally built in already for you. When you download the free program, all you have to do is turn on your microphone and start up skype just like any instant messenger and start...

It is that easy. Yesterday I chatted with my parents and worked on my computer while I was chatting. This is a great way to communicate with your affiliates or anyone else who might be further away. The expense is free, so why not use it!

Get skype now.....