Haven't you Downloaded Firefox yet?

>> Sunday, June 12, 2005

Wouldn't you like to be using A World Class Product of the Year.

Well The Free Mozilla Firefox WEB BROWSER is exactly just that. This open-source program is streamlined, customizable, and just plain better (especially since it's MAC friendly too!). No wonder it has attracted millions of users in just a few months, especially in Germany.

Is it a mere coincidence Microsoft finally plans to give the aging Internet Explorer the major overhaul it has needed for years?

Here's a Firefox review of the Product of the Year.

After I had enough with Internet Explorer, Firefox came to the rescue in due time. I was being flooded by different IE patches and sudden crashes in the Internet Explorer program which just got to be too much to handle.

With so many choices just a software download away, which browser is best? Opera, Netscape or Firefox? And after all is said and done, should you really switch?

There are a lot of reasons why users are fleeing Microsoft Internet Explorer, but a lot of it boils down to security. Firefox, Netscape, and Opera all offer significant feature improvements over IE. These improvements include tabbed browsing for juggling multiple Web pages, and built-in pop-up blocking to prevent ads from opening new browser windows.

Other refinements include helpful managers for file downloads, integrated search bars, and more accessible controls for managing histories, cookie files, and the browser cache.

Firefox 1.0 stood out as the best overall choice for me because it's ease of use and multiple tabs window. The browser does an excellent job of faithfully displaying Web pages, offers a superior user interface, and suffers fewer crashes. It's also highly customizable through something called Firefox Extensions. You can download them here.

One area where you'll hear is how quickly a browser can show your web searches. Although Firefox tended to outperform all the others in loading complex pages, but this was only a difference of one to two seconds. Be aware all browsers offer their own unique benefits and drawbacks, depending upon your computer. Firefox is also great for power users who want to add functionality to the browser, and definitely easy for newbies just getting started.

Before you ditch Internet Explorer once and for all, Microsoft still requires its browser to access its Windows Update and Office Update services, and it's not uncommon to find Web sites that are designed specifically for IE. Remember, it's not like you cannot have just one more browser on your computer. If one browser acts up, close it and launch the another one.

Check out a few more of the Firefox awards below:

PC World Product of the Year
Forbes Best of the Web
PC Magazine Editors’ Choice Award