The Wealthy Barber

>> Sunday, June 05, 2005

If you, like most people, have not seriously considered what steps you should take for planning your finances and are now planning on buying a house, getting married or having children, you will do well to read David Chilton's book 'The Wealthy Barber'.

It will not matter if you have never heard of a mutual fund or even balanced your checkbook. If dry financial reading is not up your alley, you will STILL find
'the Wealthy Barber' easy reading. It will have you fluent in financial planning in weeks.

The key to David Chilton's success with his book is that it is written as a story, rather than a manual. You follow three 30ish individuals as they build their financial houses from scratch. They get their information from one of the most knowledgeable and financially secure individuals in town - the barber.

Click here to read the full review