The Importance of Mentors

>> Monday, June 20, 2005

Did you know searching out success mentors and people who have transformed their own lives into millionaire success stories are the most beneficial people to you! What it forces you to do is to live up to their level of success.

You get exactly that with Winning. Learn from this world-class executive through reading his book Winning. Mr. Welch is a great mentor who is generous in sharing his own knowledge. He is not afraid of sharing his successes, failures, and the lessons he has learned from them. His stories and experiences further validate the fact that, in general, the theories learned in the business school are very applicable in the real world.

I am really impressed with the particular solutions or explanations given to some detailed business questions. The authors have done a great job in balancing communicating formal business knowledge and sharing useful nuggets of knowledge from experience in various aspects of executive management.

The writing in this book is down-to-earth and the logic behind is clear and sensible. In each chapter, important concepts are organized as several important points that are further explained and supported with examples.

Start your summer off with a new mentor from Winning