Are All Marketers Liars

>> Friday, September 02, 2005

How authentic are your stories? Do you tell "great stories" about the products you buy or sell that give consumers a view they can relate to? Maybe you really elude your consumers to thinking something else.

I got a laugh at some of these stories eluding the sell of the product. Try buying expensive wine glasses which improve the taste of wine. I'm on that right now - Oh wait, there is a problem because Scientific proof says this just doesn't exist! Oops!

If you are a parent of a baby, you might have heard of Baby Einstein and actually watch these videos with your child. But there is one funny fact, the videotapes actually are useless for babies and are really just for satisfying parents. Oops!

In Seth Godin's Book - All Marketers Are Liars, he touches on these facts that consumers prefer fantasy to the truth, where when you market a product you will need to be authentic rather than honest when you are marketing your own product.

All Marketers Are Liars is a great book that makes you have your ideas work for you. A new idea in your business could be all that it takes to be a success. If anything All Marketers Are Liars will help you get ideas on how you can be more authentic with your writing!