What Makes You Want to Succeed

>> Tuesday, February 13, 2007

This morning I was reminded once again why I am inspired and why I have the drive and desire to keep on doing what I am doing... Here are some great words to live by.

With the Internet especially in marketing a website or business, we all share daily ups and downs, as we do in life. Some people are inspired by others while others look at results and get discouraged.

It's a well known fact that if you choose to market an industry that is over saturated, the times of downs might be much more present than the ups you were hoping to see. As a result, you end up getting very discouraged! What the industry predicts is a difficult time, some headaches, frustration and lots of extra work.

When you get discouraged, maybe you should reflect and read the following...

What endeavor in your life has been absolutely perfect? You've breezed through the job without a hitch, no speed bumps along the way at all....

I hope nothing...

Life is full of various difficulities and frustrations, some are just easier than others to endure.

Now think about your web business today. Marketing your business should not be any different. Expecting something to be perfect and easy is just not realistic. Your expectations should be viable. Challenges are just part of the way you learn and improve your skills.

Never get discouraged. Seek instruction and help when you need it. This is how you overcome your challenges. Frustrations might arise, but that's just part of the process. If something blows up, learn from those mistakes and start all over again. The main key is to be truly committed to make your interests work for you. It's a mindset and attitude.

Eliminate those negative thoughts of dicouragement and turn it into an option to learn and grow. Accept those challenges with open arms, ask questions and move forward...

That's what success is about, learning from your mistakes and moving forward to higher accomplishments of success.

Believe it (think it) - Go out and do it - and you WILL achieve Success!

These are the thoughts which will make you succeed...
It's definitely a millionaire mindset.


TorAa 4:33 p.m.  

Clearly expressed. No waiste of words.

I'm fascinated by web-marketing, and are a content writer in my native language. I do content on web-pages and I write electronic newletters for a very large enterprise. Luckley I have a ocean of subjects to pick from.

PS. Not possible to make comments on your other blog today.

Unknown 4:30 p.m.  

Hey Buzzguy - yes I have read Napolean Hill - great book!

Thanks for the comment.