How to Create a Million Dollar Opportunity

>> Wednesday, April 27, 2005

If you are wondering where to get started, here are a few tips you can use to find and profit from your own million dollar opportunities.

1) Find a PROBLEM - Where there was a problem, there was a potential
opportunity. Find a solution which small business owners
might be able to profit from.

All of business is about SOLVING someone's problems.

1. Dentist solve teeth problems.
2. Machanics solve car problems.
3. Merchants solve your problems.

Where ever you look in this world, people are helping people to solve their problems. Answer these questions for your clients and you have found a million dollar opportunity. Use your own clients to make more money.

2) Start Small - start with 1 store and build from there.

Sure, you might have aspirations for owning dozens of stores,
but it all starts with that first step.

You need to find your 'core idea', what you're going to focus
on and take that first step. But make sure you concentrate on getting
off the ground and taking baby steps. After you have accomplished
your first small goal, say making $400 a month, move on to bigger
goals such as $1500 or more a month.

3) Find A Market That's Hungry To Solve The Problem -

Too many people start making products only to later find out
there's no one hungry to buy them. Make sure you do your
research up front.

I always take certain steps to make sure I'm not trying to
sell to a market that doesn't want to buy. This process
can save you a fortune and in turn make you a fortune.


1) Find a Problem.

2) Start Small

3) Find a Hungry Market.

To find out more about starting your own niche,
go to