Risking Your Health From New Technology

>> Friday, October 21, 2005

I seriously doubt ten years ago you might have been complaining about sore thumbs from using your Blackberry of all things. You might have even asked the ever so silly question of don't you eat blackberries? With the evention of quick emailing, sore thumbs are more than just a problem.

According to a report from the Washington Post, many Blackberry users are suffering from sore thumbs. With Blackberries becoming ever so popular, I don't think the sore thumb syndrome is going to slow down. It's also a risk to your health in years to come, especially when you are older.

What would you do if you didn't have access to email while traveling. Oh just think 10 years back. I would have never thought this would be so popular. It's definitely a million dollar idea that hit the jackpot.