Building a Successful Mindset

>> Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Have you been trying to start an Internet business and find
yourself broke, desperate and don't see any relief in sight?

Not sure where to turn?

Well I assure you, you're not alone. Here is what some people exactly in your situation are saying.

"...I desperately need more income."

"...I have a lot of debt and don't know where to start."

" credit card is over the limit. I have to wait to make income so I can use it again."

"...I have lost count on how many books I've bought and how much money I've spent. But I'm still so totally confused. Now I just feel like giving up because I just don't have a good plan to follow."

"...invested thousands of dollars of my saving in the last
two years in home business that I could not afford."

Do any of these people sound like what you would say?

Sit back for a second, cleanse your breathing and take a second to feel more relaxed. And take some advise because there is still hope...

Here's some advise:

Focusing on the bad won't help you to become a winner. Focusing on what has happened in the past, instead of learning from your mistakes, won't help you to get ahead "NOW" either.

So are you ready to move on.....

Moving on means you will be able to see yourself as a happy, motivated and successful entrepreneur. Work on imagining yourself as this successful person.

Skeptic about it working?

I'm not, I'm pure proof that if you believe you can achieve. I was able to pull my fears aside and focused on how much I WANTED to achieve great success with my career.

I simply grew an image in my head of my success over and over again. Many people were skeptical but I KNEW in my own mind, I seeing this happening would achieve my success.

Fear which is self confidence of not achieving and believing was the only stumbling block I was facing. Focusing on this new confidence of success was what I would eat and breath daily.

Believing you can be successful at something when
you've already failed at it once before is that stumbling block you must conquer. And It CAN be done..

I saw myself being successful every day. At times, I either was "faking it " or "pretending I was already there". I never let myself lack the confidence to be like those other successful people. I mean I was like them and nobody knew any different. And it somehow started becoming my reality.

So how can this successful approach fit into your business situation?

1. Thinking clearly is impossible when you are worried about paying rent or spending "your" last pennies on another business opportunity. Consider talking to a financial planner to help you "start" your way to becoming successful with your finances.

2. Leo Quinn's 'Own Your Own PayCheck Again' is a terrific
investment resource for those who are serious about combating your own debt. His uncommon methods from first-hand experience really work.

Leo Quinn's book is a far better investment than buying any information manual that instructs you to go out and spend even more to build your business, when you don't have it to spend.

Why not learn some techniques on how to pay off your debt quicker and keep a little more in your pocket?

Click here: for Leo Quinn's 'Own Your Own PayCheck Again'

If you can afford to pay the bills but not much else, focus
your energy on saving and earning the amount you'll need to
build your business without worry. Invest small amounts on
things that will bring real returns in the short term.

Here is a good true to life way on EBAY to get you started. Look for items to sell on eBay in your house or possibly something your friends don't want to hang onto any longer. SAVE enough of what you make with those sales and you might wind up saving a good $500 to invest in your business.

Do your homework. Read the fine print and ask questions from other people who have bought the program and are happy with it. Many times you can find these people in affiliate marketing forums. These will be the people that can tell you the real truth about a good program.

Good luck with your changing attitude and successful change in your business mindset!

To 'Your' future Success,

Jennifer Schilling